When you utilize bail bonds service, you pay the bail bondsman 10% of the principle bail amount. Once you pay the required 10% premium of the bond amount the bondsman will deliver it to the jail or county court to secure the defendants release from jail. The premium paid to the bail bondsman is non-refundable. It is important to select a professional bondsman in your area that has experience with bail bonds in Minnesota.
You shouldn’t settle for anything less when it comes to your friends and family. A-Affordable Bail Bonds has been in business over for 10+ years and with a combined staff experience of over 50 years in the bail bond industry. We are proud to be one of the leading preferred companies in the State of Minnesota.
We offer the lowest money down allowed by law & Interest free payment plans! When you are in need of bail bonds service, call the company that is always available and always there for our clients, Call A-Affordable Bail Bonds today!