DWI Bail Bonds

Professional Expertise in Minnesota (Facts About DWi Bail Bonds)


DWI Conditional Bail Bond (or) No Bond Required Release

In my personal opinion, as a bondsman, I feel many counties in the Twin Cities and the state of Minnesota do not explain to inmates about their options of posting unconditional DWI bail bonds while in custody. Much of the time, the inmate is so excited they are being released and they are told a bond isn't required, they do not look at the big picture of what a conditional release includes.

The fact is the excitement ends pretty quickly once you have a few rounds with expensive alcohol monitors, which may include interlock as well as color wheels and random UAs. If you make it through the headache and expensive process of getting your monitor and required court-ordered equipment, this is just the beginning of a long road ahead of additional conditions.

You typically will have additional conditions that at times even restrict you from being around or in a liquor store. These are expensive ridiculous conditions, what is there to be excited about? Truly, it really isn't a time to celebrate if you didn't utilize an unconditional bond prior to your release.

After time, the calibration of alcohol sensors or interlock adds up to be the same or more of what you had the option of spending for an "Unconditional" bail bond. What this means folks, is you would in most cases not be on a color wheel or have court-ordered equipment that does nothing but disrupts your everyday life.

The good news is, I can still help you out. In almost all instances if you were offered the unconditional bond at the time of release, we can most likely still post that bond for you to help you out getting back to everyday life. Our local bail bondsmen are here.


Unconditional DWI Bail Bonds (After Release)

If you have the option of posting DWI Bail Bonds as an unconditional bond, I can still help you. I can help you get your life back on track with payment plan options and low money down for your DWI unconditional bail bond when applicable and within Minnesota insurance laws.

Let’s get you off that equipment. In most cases, you will not have to go back into custody at the county jail to have an unconditional bond executed to remove your conditions.

First, you have to call us, so our professional local bail bondsman can review your bail bond options. We will review and confirm that you have an unconditional bond that can be posted to get you off your conditions. Our local bail bondsman will get back to you promptly with the best bail bond options, our local bail bondsmen and local bail bonds service is certainly the right solution for you!

This is something to be excited about. What we would charge you over time and what the conditions would cost you over time, this makes a lot more sense. I have noticed 7 out of 10 people released on conditions, either can't afford it in the long run or just can't follow the conditions. That is 70% of DWI inmates released on conditions seek to post that unconditional bail bond. Give me a call. Let's talk, let's see how I can help you today!

Specializing in DWI Bail Bonds!

Our bail bondsmen specialize in DWI Bail Bonds and provide the best local bail bonds service in Minnesota. Whether it's Saint Paul, Anoka, or Austin, MN. We are the right bail bond company for the job. The process of moving forward is fast and very streamlined. Your bond can be posted right at the jail windows 90% of the time or right at the court administration window or jail after hours by the bondsman.

Conditional Bonds and Unconditional Bonds prior to release or after release, are not always DWI bail bonds. These may also include drug charges, traffic, and in some cases domestic assault offenses.

Regardless of your offense, if you have an unconditional bail bond you would like for me to review your bond. Give me a call, or visit our contact us tab above. All calls are private and confidential.